Indian engine of growth for inbound postgrad market

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INDIA will account for almost 40 per cent of future growth in postgraduate students coming to Australia, according to British Council forecasts.
In the ten years to 2024, Indian postgraduates would make up 39pc of inbound growth for Australia, well ahead of the 29pc share attributed to postgrads from China.
The report also shows Australia well-placed to capitalise on a boom in postgraduate mobility.
“Forecasts show that the annual average growth of postgraduate flows from India will be highest to Australia (10.4pc), followed by the US (8), Germany (7.9), Canada (7.8) and Japan (7.4),” it says.
Australia would continue to benefit at the expense of the UK, which had suffered a reversal in postgraduate numbers from the Indian subcontinent.
“In the next decade India will overtake China as the country with the highest number of tertiary enrolments.”
The Australian :October 14, 2014 12:00AM Bernard Lane

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